MMD Inspiration Cases Celtic Lamb EOY

AHDB - Bord Bia

Celtic Lamb EOY


Last Christmas, Bord Bia and AHDB invited our customers to delve into the Celtic lamb assortment they were promoted. Central to this initiative, MMD organized for them an online quiz hosted on where customers could win vouchers for a Masterchef restaurant experience. The idea was to build awarness around Celtic Lambs. Besides our Gamification program, a solid omnichannel media plan was deployed to leverage the repetition of their advertising message across a variety of our retail media tools, addressing all type of shoppers, whether they were more digitally inclined, read the Delhaize magazine, or physically visited our stores. A true hit! Almost 5.000 customers took their chance.


Omnichannel Campaign: 

  • Gamification: Play and win-quiz on - 3 weeks
    • IAB Homepage Bannering:  Awareness banner on - 1 week
    • Contest Landing Page: - 3 weeks  
    • Commercial Display Small: Keywords + Category-pages - 2 weeks 


  • Floorstickers + Stopper Medium: 2 weeks activation instore


  • Publi-reportage: My Delhaize Marketing 

Some key insight of the campaign: 

  • Gamification: 
    • IAB Homepage Bannering - Media: 7.000 clicks on banner generated  
    • Commercial Display Small -  Media: 112.500 impressions generated  
    • E-mailing Action - Media: Average Open Rate: 37 % - Average Click-Throug-Rate: 4 %   
    • Almost 5.000 people participated the quiz  


  • Floorstickers + Stopper Medium - Media/Reach  > 2,4 Mio + Sales: + 130 % Uplift                 


Heavy consumers of the Meat category , Game changer & Premium Foodies, excluding Vegan & vegetarians

Brand awareness

Engagement / Consideration