MMD Inspiration Cases Cases e-CRM & sales uplift instore

Tiptoh - Coca Cola

Cases e-CRM & sales uplift instore


Sending a dedicated e-mail to get the attention of your relevant target group, is always a good idea. With an average open rate of +30%, you're sure to reach your contacts in a qualitative way. And what about the effectiveness?


  • Generate trial
  • Create upsell

MMD wanted to find out whether sending a dedicated e-mail also contributes to sales instore (communicate online - purchase offline). Therefore, we compared the buying behavior of the target group with a control group of people who were supposed to be in the target group, but did not receive the dedicated e-mail.


Comparing the control group with the target group receiving the dedicated e-mail, we saw for TipToh a sales uplift of 150%. It is important to tell that the e-mail was purely informative, presenting the new plant-based range. 

Coca Cola promoted its Cola Zero offer with different flavors in the same week the product was in promotion at Delhaize (2+1 for free): the SuperPlus customers who received the e-mail ensured a sales uplift of 45% on the Cola Zero range and even on brand level, we noticed a sales uplift of 18%.

For TipToh (plant-based drink), the target group was very niche and specific. For Coca Cola, we targeted soft drink buyers.


Brand awareness

